In the process of oil production, the submersible reciprocating pump is driven by linear motor, such pump application is novel lifting method which has been considered as with good controllability. 在石油开采过程中,利用直线电机驱动潜油往复泵是一种新型举升方式。这种举升方式可使抽油机具有较好的可控性。
The results indicate that by setting suitable forward median current value and forward median current time, the forward median current waveform control method can reach good controllability of the droplet growth and transition, and can achieve one pulse one droplet transfer and perfect welding quality. 结果表明,采用前中值波形控制方法,通过设置合理的中值时间和中值电流,有利于控制熔滴的长大和过渡,实现一脉一滴过渡,焊接质量好。
The good velocity controllability of servo-dynamo can be used to realize variable blank holding force control through adjusting the force on sheet metal blank with a holding force adjusting equipment. 利用伺服电机良好的速度可控性,可以通过压边力调节装置调整作用在板坯上的压边力的大小,更容易实施变压边力控制。
The experiment results demonstrate that, MR damper posses good damping controllability, and it is the ideal element of energy dissipation and seismic protection for engineering structures. 实验表明:MR阻尼器具有良好的阻尼可控制特性,是结构消能减振控制的理想元件。
The experimental results indicate that the master power I-I, slave power I-I hybrid external characteristic is with good controllability of the metal transfer and suitable for the high speed welding of the thin plate, except for the poor adaptability of the welding arc length; 主机U-I,从机U-I复合外特性的熔滴过渡可控性欠佳,但电弧自调节作用较强,较适合大参数厚板焊接;
The gate length and the dimension of the gate head can be controlled in the T-shaped gate processing, and good process controllability and high yield can be achieved. 在该T型栅工艺中栅长和栅帽的尺寸分别进行控制,实现了较好的工艺可控性和较高的工艺成品率。
The experimental study suggests that OFM reactor should provide high efficient injection dispersion performance with good controllability on the mixing intensity. So it should also satisfy the special requirement of the concentration distribution in the injection area for processes such as flocculation. 实验研究表明:振荡流混合反应器能够实现高效的注入分散过程,而且可以精确控制混合的强度,完全可以满足絮凝等反应过程对注入区浓度场的特殊要求。
The changes little with Ren. The experimental study suggests that OFM should provide high-efficient injection dispersion performance and good controllability on the time character of dispersion process, and is able to satisfy the requirement of various reaction processes to the concentration distribution in the injection area. 实验研究证明:OFM能够实现高效注入分散过程并且容易控制注入分散过程的时间特性,可以适应不同反应过程对注入区浓度场的要求。
Comparative Study of the Effect of Controlling Vibration of Highrise-Building by TLD System The experiment results demonstrate that the MR fluid shock absorber posses good damping controllability, and it is the ideal element of energy dissipation and vibration control for ambulance. 调频液体阻尼器对高层结构减振控制效果比较研究实验表明,磁流变减振器具有良好的阻尼可控特性,是理想的救护车辆减振控制装置。
To achieve good controllability and reproducibility of the resistivity of epi-layers on p-type Si, strict control is required over the growth temperature and rate, as well as a fully suppression of the auto-doping in heavily boron doped substrate. 为了保证p型硅外延片的电阻率具有良好的可控性和重现性,除了充分抑制重掺硼衬底的自掺杂作用外,还需十分严格地控制硅外延片的生长温度和速度。
The proposed driving method has good controllability and safety, and lays a foundation for studying micro-robots drived by external gradient magnetic field in various tracts. 我们提出的驱动方法具有良好的可控性和安全性,为进一步研究梯度磁场驱动适于体内各种腔管的微机器人奠定了基础。
After the air conditioning technology started the application, due to air conditioning technology has the good controllability, is not limited in use and so on, it has substituted for the natural ventilation technology gradually. 然而在空调技术应用以后,由于空调技术具有可控性好、应用不受限制等优点,逐渐取代了自然通风技术。
Bonding experiments indicated some advantages of this method such as needless of bonding auxiliary structures, low deformation of the microstructures, good controllability of the process, suitable for almost all thermoplastics and automatically focus of ultrasonic energy at the interface. 键合试验证明,该方法具有无需键合辅助结构、微结构变形量小、材料适用范围广、可控性高、超声能量在界面自动集中等特点。
Electrostatic spinning technology has the advantage of good controllability, simple process and low cost. The production has high specific surface area, high ratio of length to diameter and the unique mesh structure. 静电纺丝具有可控性好、技术简单、成本低等优点,其产品具有较高的比表面积,长径比和独特的网状结构,所以静电纺已成为制备一维纳米材料的一种重要方法。
Magnetic powder clutch has the advantages of smooth separation and joint, good controllability, quick response, wide torque transmission range independent of the slip ratio, high transmission efficiency and so on, which determined that it has a broad application prospect in the vehicle industry. 磁粉离合器具有接合平顺、可控性好、响应迅速、转矩传递范围广且与滑差率无关、传动效率高等优点,决定其在车辆行业有着广阔的应用前景。
The experimental results indicated many advantages of this method such as easy to fabricate the substrates, good controllability of the process, low deformation of the microstructures and high bonding strength. It is a novel bonding method for polymer MEMS devices. 研究结果表明,该方法试件制备简单、易于过程控制、微结构变形量小、键合强度高,是一种适用于聚合物MEMS器件键合的新方法。
Gel permeation chromatography ( GPC) results showed that the molecular weight distribution was narrow, reflecting a good controllability of copolymerization. 凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)结果显示,产物的分子量分布较窄,反映了较好的可控性。
Compared with other methods, shock wave method had many advantages, such as efficient, safety, good controllability, low cost. 相比于其它方法制备纳米复合材料,激波法具有高效、安全、可控性好、成本低、绿色环保等优点。
During test, machine running smoothly, good controllability and low noise and vibration, basically reach the desired goal. 通过对样机实验平台进行调试及实验,验证了控制系统各个核心功能的可行性,实验中运行平稳,可控性好,噪音和振动较小,基本达到了预期设计目标。
The method based on adaptive neural network control utilizes free curved face as learning object and generates stochastic graphics, which possesses irregular structure and good controllability, without the introduction of random displacement disturbance. 在自适应神经网络控制法中,将调配型自由曲面作为自适应线性神经元网络的学习对象,在没有加入随机移位扰动量的情况下,生成具有非规则结构特征和较好可控性的随机图形。
In the mean time, it features good energy controllability, cost efficiency and environmental friendliness. The megasonic dispersion technology has broad prospect of applications in the fields of material dispersion and preparation. 它具有能量可控性好、成本低、安全环保和应用范围广等优点,将在材料分散和制备领域拥有广阔的应用前景。
In order to achieve the improvement of the overall quality of staff, training is the most effective way which is fairly targeted and of good controllability. 而要实现员工综合素质的提高,培训无疑是针对性强、递进关系明确、可控性好、成效快的一个途径。
Secondary regulation system has many advantages, such as high efficiency, good controllability and recycling and reusing the braking dynamic energy and geopotential energy of the load. 二次调节传动技术不但具有系统效率高、可控性好的优点,而且可以实现对负载制动动能和重力势能的回收和再利用,达到节能的目的。
In the natural thermal environment training has many limitations and inconvenience, while in the simulation of thermal environment training has good controllability. 在自然热环境训练则存在诸多限制和不便,而在模拟热环境训练则具有良好的可控性。
Laser bending technology, which has advantages of big flexibility, non-pollution, high efficiency, good controllability, is a novel and newly technique to form curved devices. 激光弯曲成形技术基于其本身柔性大,无污染,高效率,高可控性等优点,为复杂曲面器件的快速成形提供了一种新的加工手段。
The non-equilibrium plasma at atmospheric pressure being apply to material processing, sterilization, treatment of organic waste, due to excellent low temperature performances as well as good controllability, has been a hot reach topic in recent years. 大气压非平衡态低温等离子体以其低温特点和良好的可控性在材料处理、消毒杀菌、处理有机废气等应用领域表现出某些优势,并迅速成为目前国际上等离子体应用领域的研究热点。
The characteristics of low temperature plasma with low temperature and good controllability makes it has a unique advantage in material handling, polluted disposal, sterilization and disinfection. 低温等离子体以其低温的特点和良好的可控性在材料处理、污染处理和消毒杀菌的领域有着得天独厚的优势。
For its good controllability and security and no limitation of space, it has been widely used in military trainings and aerospace equipment domains and so on. 由于其具有良好的可控性、安全性以及不受场地限制等优点,所以在现代军事训练、航空航天装备等领域发挥了重要的作用。
EDM method has small macro-forces and good controllability, and thus is currently an important means of processing micro array holes. 微细电火花加工方法具有宏观作用力小、可控性好等特点,是目前进行微喷阵列孔加工的重要方法之一。
Induction heating is fast, efficient and well-proportioned, and it possesses many advantages such as high-grade production, no pollution, good controllability and easy to achieve automatic, so it developed very fast in the recent years. 感应加热具有加热速度快、物料内部发热效率高、加热均匀,且具有产品质量好、几乎无污染、易于实现生产自动化等一系列优点,因此近年来得到了迅速发展。